Thursday, January 14, 2010

Red Raspberry

I'm pretty excited about Red Raspberry Leaf, and after you read the following excerpt from Jack Ritchason's herb book, maybe you will be too. Red Raspberry has been used for centuries to aid in quicker and less painful childbirths. I drink a cup of tea a day now, and will probably increase to two or three cups as my pregnancy progresses. I started drinking the tea in the summer, when I first learned about it, as it is a uterine toner and is excellent for all women, in any stage of life, to keep your uterus healthy.

Red Raspberry

Red Raspberry, where mothers and babies are concerned, is an herb made in heaven. It can be taken throughout pregnancy with good results. It builds tissue to the extent that it prevents tearing of the cervix of the uterus during birth. During childbirth, hemorrhaging is prevented, the contractions of the uterine muscles are regulated during delivery, and it also reduces false labor pains prior to birth.

Red Raspberry leaves are high in iron and enrich early colostrums found in mother’s milk. It also cleanses and prepares breasts for a pure milk supply for the nursing infant by cleansing and purifying the blood.

Red Raspberry can be used for children’s stomachaches, diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding gums mouth sores, as a sore throat gargle, and as an astringent for the flu and vomiting.

For centuries, crude raspberry leaves have been used to aid in morning sickness, and to ease many menstrual problems.

-Raspberry helps promote painless and bloodless childbirth. It helps quiet nausea and acts to stop diarrhea, especially in children.
-Raspberry leaf can be taken throughout pregnancy.
-Red Raspberry leaves have a manganese content double that of any other herb that would make it one of the riches sources of herbal manganese.
-Raspberry strengthens the walls of the uterus and the entire female reproductive system.
-Raspberry decreases profuse menstrual flow.
-Drinking Raspberry leaf tea helps relieve painful menstruation and regulates the flow.
-Raspberry leaf is a preventative for hemorrhaging during labor. It reduces false labor pains, makes delivery easier and relieves after-pains.
-Raspberry leaf tea increases and enriches milk for lactation.
-Raspberry leaf is an excellent herb for children to use for cleansing colds, slowing diarrhea, easing colic and fevers.

Raspberry leaf tea is available in most every health food store and some health food sections of regular grocery stores. I get Traditional Medicinals brand in the health food section at Kroger.

Ritchason, Jack. The Little Herb Encyclopedia: The Handbook of Nature’s Remedies for a Healthier Life. Woodland Health Books, 1995. pp 195-196.

1 comment:

  1. Love me some red raspberry leaf tea! I just started taking it though (and I'm 36 weeks), and have never taken before, so we'll see what the difference is! I figure even though it's this late in the game, it couldn't hurt. WTG for starting so early!
