Friday, May 7, 2010

The Most Tedious of Exercises

We all hate them. They are hard to do, hard to remember to do, and seem to be more of a mind game than anything else. The dreaded Kegel. Yet, its one of the more important pregnancy exercises. This from my Hypnobabies work book:

"This exercise is necessary to keep your internal organs in the proper position before, during and after birth, and to keep the baby's chin on its chest during the 2nd stage of your birthing time, which makes sure the smallest part of the head is presented first. A weak Kegel muscle lets the vaginal wall sag ahead of the baby, and hold the baby back, along with letting its head move about more freely, sometimes allowing it to become wedged in the wrong position. This can lead to internal tears. A strong Kegel muscle pulls the vaginal walls taut and lets the baby "slide" through with its chin on its chest."

The book says to start with 50 a day, and aim for 150 a day. I probably get in my 50, but certainly not 150. However, after reading this, it gives me a little extra incentive, so I wanted to pass that along.

Happy squeezing!

HypnobabiesTM Home Study Course, 5th edition

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