33 weeks! Where has the time gone? We found out we were pregnant Thanksgiving weekend. If I think about how long ago Thanksgiving was, it feels like forever. If I think about how long 33 weeks is.. it seems like I couldn't possibly have been pregnant that long. I've never done anything for 33 weeks before!
I would say that so far my pregnancy has been fabulous. I have my fair share of complaints and discomforts, but none of that matters when I think of the fact that I'm growing an entire person. I'm still baffled that an entire person can be grown in 40 weeks. I think its going to take my tomato plant longer than that to grow one tomato!
My short list of complaints includes my pelvic pain (aka crotch pain), that has gotten worse as the baby has gotten larger. If I didn't have that, I think I would be the most comfortable pregnant woman in all the world. I had major sleep problems, but praise Jesus, I have been sleeping well this week. I hope that continues. Lack of sleep makes a person feel bad everywhere. I have also started to get a bit woozy in the mornings again. I have not figured out why yet. It comes about an hour after I awake, which corresponds to when I walk in the door at work, and lasts till about 11am.
Other than that, I have had absolutely no heartburn thanks to my wonderful papaya enzyme I take with breakfast and dinner. (It also keeps gas at bay, I haven't had the slightest issue with gas since I started taking it in February). I have never had an issue with contipation, and I have virtually no swelling, though some days my calves feel really tight. I don't have any cravings at all, and generally eat like I did before I was pregnant. Although - my watermelon obsession is a borderline craving. Its so sweet, juicy, and delicious; I ate two watermelons since last Thursday. Patrick did help - so I ate maybe 1.25 watermelons since last Thursday. We got another one last night but its BAD! So dissapointing!! but I digress. Blood pressure is good, hemoglobin is good, baby's heart rate is precious. Everything is going well!
At home, things are moving along and we are almost ready for the little one. Patrick finished all our furniture this past week (yay!). We had bought a used solid oak furniture set for our bedroom that he refinished dark mahogany, and he painted two old dressers that I had since I was probably a baby. We just moved those into the baby room and now we're trying to get organized. Once we do that, we'll have the nursery ready! I'll post pics!
Patrick can't hardly wait until August; I'm still adjusting to the idea of parenthood. I guess we only have about one full month before we are on "stand-by". I still haven't decided when to start my maternity leave. I'm planning on just taking it day by day and deciding when the time comes.